07/26 Day in Venice

Some of us arrive a day early to get acclimated.
Well that was the plan !!!! It turned into a night in Raleigh NC instead!

As it turns out United Airlines in their wisdom landed us in Raleigh NC for the night and we finished up having to catch the following days flight to Venice. After a 3:30am start in Raleigh.

I’ve done plenty of trips to Australia that took less.time than this epic.

All’s well that ends well I say so providing the Sportube and luggage arrives in Newark and makes it on our plane to Venice we will be happy. 


So we made it to Newark after a 3:30am start in Raleigh and now we wait all day until our flight leaves this evening at 6:50.

The Myers are on their way and Dave Kalamen one of our expert towers is delayed leaving Seattle.

The Myers are on the road


We are finally on board an aircraft beading for Venice! Been a long slog but met up with Stefano and another valuable passenger at Newark. Now all on board and ready to fly.

It seems that our tower Dave Kalamen made it to JFK after a delay on departure from Seattle and should arrive on time for us to meet tomorrow at Venice Airport.

Kelly Johnson our Tow captain is already there in bed as are the Graves and Jeff Duval. Jim Schoon is on a flight from Atlanta with the Myers. 

Dimitri and Stoil arrived in Europe yesterday so we only have one missing. 

Where is Chris Keller?

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